Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Time Zone

Just incase there was any confusion...

Friday, October 2, 2009


Today, the very first issue of MWMag was released! MWMag, also known as the MidWest Movement's online magazine, is a very intense, in depth look, at some of the best bands in the Mid West region. You need to go and check this out for yourself! Follow the link and be sure to download your FREE, that's right, I said Free, copy today! I'm so stoked to see that one of my photos of the band, Attention, made the very 1st issue of the magazine from their show at the Myth in Maplewood. Collectors Edition? I say Yes! ;). Be sure to download your copy today and stay tuned for the next MWMags to come!
HUGE shout out to Brad Gunnarson for making this all possible!

To download the issue to your computer (recommended):
To view online:

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Venus On Fire

New Video Blog of the same Venus on Fire shoot, but I thought I'd give it another try...