Monday, June 27, 2011

Couple shots from MN

I just got back last week from spending some time up in MN. It felt so good to get back to the home state and see some friends and family again. Fortunately, I went up for work, so I had all my gear with me. Since I was back, I decided to do a couple test shoots during some down time to keep things rolling. Below are a couple of shots from one of the test shoots.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Curacao 2011

Jenna and I just got back from our long Memorial Day weekend trip to Curacao, and MAN, was that an amazing experience!! We climbed to the highest part of the island, which was 1,200+ ft to Mt. Christoffel's summit, dove 40 ft. deep amongst some of the richest coral on the island, and jumped off of Playa Forti's 40 ft. cliffs into the ocean. It was incredible!

Curacao is the southern most Caribbean island, and is only 30 some miles from the coast of Venezuela. They say that on a clear day you can see Venezuela's coast from the top of Mt. Christoffel. Unfortunately for us, it wasn't the clearest day, so we weren't able to see that far. However, the clouds did help keep us cool on the climb up. And when I say climb, I literally mean climb. The path was made up of boulders, vines, and fallen trees. The last 50 feet from the peak, you literally had about 4 feet of space in some spots between the mountain side and no more birthdays...

Our scuba session was a trip! If you ask Jenna, she might tell you it was more of a treasure hunt, but you'll have to ask her for more details on that... The reef, named Alice in Wonderland, was rich in sea life, and we saw everything from parrot fish to eels, and even an octopus. The cool thing about this reef is that after you got out about 100 yards from the shore you swam over a giant wall with an enormous drop off. it felt like you were flying!

Playa Forti is a beach that wasn't too far from where we were staying. The beach was surrounded by 40 ft cliffs that had a bar/restaurant right along the side of it. Next to the bar there was a square platform that you could jump off of into the ocean. It didn't look that high until you were the one standing on the platform... Check out the film below to see some of the cliff jumping action.

The actual town was cool but definitely not a place where you need more than a day to see, at least in my opinion. It had a uniqueness about it and a lot of cool history, but again, you can see it all in an afternoon. The island is best known for it's reefs and rich sea life, and that's where you want to be. However, there were some cool things about the town. Curacao is a Dutch island and therefore the Dutch influence on it's architecture is huge. Walking through the town was like being in Europe. The town is split in two by a canal that runs through it and a floating bridge connects the two sides. Below is a really short time-lapse for you to check it out if you wish. They also have a slave museum at the Kura Hulanda Hotel and Casino that was very interesting as well. Surprisingly enough, some of the best things to do on the island are really cheap and lots of fun, so we really didn't spend much at all, which is always a plus. Now we still have money to put go-go-juice in our gas tanks back in the U.S.

Anyway, this blog has been way too long and if you want to know more about Curacao, just go, you'll love it!! Hope all is well and enjoy some of the pictures and videos below.

Sitting on top of Mt. Christoffel

Base of Mt. Christoffel

The path to the top...

Another shot from the top of Mt. Christoffel

Willemstad (the town...)

One of the antique dolls at the Kura Hulanda slave museum

Monday, April 18, 2011

Dominican Republic 2011 Slide Show

Below is a slide show of images I captured while I was on my trip to the Domincian Republic. I went with a mission group, who went to build a basketball court for one of the schools in Consuelo where children went that weren't able to get into the public schools. I was asked to come along and document the trip for the crew. It was a great time and can't wait to go back and see the people again. The video is kind of long, but I hope you enjoy the images!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Where's Me Treasure?!

Below are some more shots from my Pirate concept shoot. After I got the shot I wanted, which is the first photograph in this blog, we decided to play around with other ideas. Towards the end of the shoot, we had to end going out like rock stars, so we made sure to get a shot of Charles slamming the homemade metal detector into the ground. This photo shoot was so much fun, and we all had a blast! Huge shout out to Charles Milling for being the pirate, and to Nicole Patterson and her assistant Dawn, for doing all of the make up and styling at the shoot. Enjoy!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Thursday, February 24, 2011

More Time-Lapse Goodness...

Made a couple more time-lapses today and thought I'd post them up in a blog. I also made a screen-lapse to show the process of making the time-lapses. Nothing too exciting, but it was fun to make...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Red Reef Park : Time-Lapse

This is a time-lapse I made yesterday while hanging out at the beach. I have made a few time-lapses now and am thinking about taking it to the next level. I'm planning to start story boarding the time-lapse videos in hopes to make a more scenic visual instead of a stationary view. Until then, enjoy the music by CAKE and pretend like you're at the beach...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Night shots in Delray Beach

In Delray Beach, just north of Atlantic Ave, there's a whole line of these really cool sailboats just hanging out on the beach. They really make it a fun place to hang out by. Last night was a great night to be out as well. The temp was in the lower 70's, a very slight off shore breeze, mostly clear skies with lots of stars, and just amazing. I could have slept there and have been a very happy camper. Below are some of the shots I got from last night's little photo adventure. You can also view these, and more images, on my flickr page! Enjoy!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Eddie Figueroa, and his brother Carlos...

Last night I did a photo shoot with Eddie Figueroa, and his brother Carlos. Eddie is the founder of Dreamstreams Inc., and is also the guy who set up the L*Spade shoot awhile back. Anyway, Eddie, and his brother Carlos, have recently formed a music project together made up of Contemporary Latin Pop styles and plan on releasing their music soon. Last nights shoot was for that specific project.

To see the pictures in higher quality, as well as other pictures of musicians I have photographed, please check out my Flickr page! As always, I hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Beach in Delray

Winters in South Florida are AMAZING! To all my friends and family in the "great up north", if you need a break from the cold, just give us a call!

Red Reef Park

The beach that we probably spend the most time at down here is at Red Reef Park. It is an amazing beach with hardly any traffic, it literally feels like your very own private beach. Yesterday I went out with my camera, just to play around a bit, and was wondering why I didn't do this more often. Anyway, below are some shots from the beach. I'm excited to get back out today with my camera and just explore. Hope all is great!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Swimming in February

Tonight, I decided to do some test shots with a good friend of mine, Debra Titkemeier. It was strange how we got from what we initially had in mind, to where we ended up. But, I feel good work can come out of that, and you never know what you might get. Anyway, below are a few shots from tonight. Enjoy!